Call for symposia, workshops, posters and short oral presentations
Fortifying Futures: Innovative Approaches From Paediatric Psychology Around the World
European Paediatric Psychology Conference (EPPC)
Málaga, Spain. October 9th- 11th, 2025
Chair: Dr. Rocío de la Vega
The Scientific Program Committee of the European Paediatric Psychology Conference (EPPC) welcomes submissions of symposia proposals, workshop proposals, poster abstracts and short oral presentation abstracts. The conference is organised by the European Paediatric Psychology Network (EPPN). It will be an exciting international event highlighting the latest advancement in the areas of clinical practice, research, teaching and professional development. True to our theme, we are eager to present ideas designed to strengthen professional collaboration and, of course, the health and wellbeing of children, families and communities.
EPPC will include keynote lectures from field leaders (to be announced) as well as ample opportunities for researchers and clinicians to present their cutting-edge work.
We are excited to announce that travel awards will be offered to support attendees who may face financial barriers. A total of 2 awards will be offered, which will cover EPPC2025 registration as well as €1000 to contribute to travel costs. People who are submitting an abstract for a poster or short oral presentation will be asked to indicate whether they want to be considered and briefly explain why (find more details below).
To submit symposium and workshop proposals, click here or copy/paste the following into your browser: For posters and oral presentations, click here or copy/paste the following:
Please observe the following general guidelines for all proposals and abstracts:
- English is the official language of the congress. All submissions must be written in English.
- Each author is allowed to submit a maximum of 2 first-author abstracts, across poster abstracts, short oral presentations abstracts and symposia/workshop proposals. Authors can be listed as co-authors on multiple proposals.
- Authors must register for the conference.
- Symposia and workshops are 1.5 hours long and include a maximum of 4 presenters (including the moderator).
Detailed abstract guidelines can be found below.
Overview of deadlines
Symposium and workshop submissions: March 3, 2025. Submit here.
Poster and short oral presentation submissions: April 28, 2025. Submit here.
Please note that the deadline for poster and short oral presentation abstracts will be after the decisions for symposia acceptance are communicated.
Guidelines for symposium submissions
Symposium and workshop proposals must be submitted by March 3, 2025 and include the following information:
- Proposed title of the symposia or workshop
- Type of submission, choosing from
- Research focus
- Clinical application
- Panel discussion
- Debate
- Professional development
- Workshop (e.g., hands-on, practical, educational)
- Other
- Target level of learning for audience, choosing from
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
- Abstract of no more than 300 words outlining the overall summary of the session, including theme, structure, and relevance of the symposium to the conference. The abstract should include at least 3 references from the last 10 years.
- Learning objectives of session: 3 statements completing this sentence: “Upon completion of this session, attendees will…” Please consult APA Learning Objectives Guidelines.
- Name of moderator and speakers, including:
- Professional information (degree, position, institution name and country)
- Contact information (email address)
- Short bio of no more than 150 words for each presenter and session moderator
- Proposed title of each speaker’s presentation or section of workshop
- Abstract (no more than 300 words in total) for each individual presentation/section
- For Research Focus follow the structure:
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion & Conclusion
- Relevance to the theme
- For Research Focus follow the structure:
- For all other types of submissions, follow the structure:
- Introduction
- Topics/Perspectives
- Plans for participant engagement
- Discussion & Conclusion
- Relevance to the theme
- For all other types of submissions, follow the structure:
- Declaration of any conflicts of interest
Guidelines for poster & short oral presentations abstracts
Poster and short oral presentation abstracts must be submitted by April 28, 2025 and include the following information:
- Name of proposed speaker, including:
- Professional information (degree, position, institution name and country)
- Contact information (email address)
- Whether to consider the abstract for poster presentation or short oral presentation
- Proposed title
- Full author list
- Abstract of no more than 350 words, adhering to the following format:
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Declaration of any conflicts of interest
Whether to be considered for a travel award.
If yes, additional information is requested, including a short bio and brief explanation on how attending the conference would support your career (max 150 words each).
Contact us
For more information about EPPN/EPPC, please contact us via
Please sign up for our newsletter to receive updates about EPPC2025 and EPPN.